Life Finds A Way

Life Finds A Way
So I’ve watched a lot of Netflix over the last seven months or so. Including all original Jurassic Park franchise movies (not the one with Star-Lord). The movies contain a famous idea that explains how I feel about the Corna Virus pandemic as of right now: Life finds a way. Despite the ongoing tragedy that we are living through and the fact that the numbers are continuing to get worse in the world, life does continue. I’m proud that I have many friends who have a positive outlook. Several people in my orbit have found a new love during the pandemic, and others have been continuing their educations and finding ways to complete their degrees.
I’m also doing impressive work, considering that I don’t leave the house. I was just recently reappointed to the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities for four more years and voted to serve as the Co Vice-Chair. I’m part of a group advising the Council on how we can be more engaged in public policy. This is so cool because that’s part of why I came to the Council in the first place, so I feel like it’s come full circle. I am also about to complete my two years as chairman of Disability Rights NC, and that’s a rewarding feeling to look back on.
I’m part of a project funded by the United Way in Winston-Salem called Partnership for Prosperity. The project is aimed at alleviating poverty through addressing the community’s social determinants of health. I was assigned a couple of months ago to the Education facet of these determinants.
I feel like I’m using my disability skills in new ways, but this group doesn’t talk about disability much unless I bring it up in a conversation. My job is to speak to concerned citizens as a facilitator of discussions through Zoom and collect the data to send the organization to help make changes. It could be a pretty big deal for my local community if we play our cards right. As a side note, it’s revealing to me that I get paid more for my non-disability related temporary jobs than all my impressive disability rights positions combined.
As I think I’ve blogged before, I usually have to avoid a conflict of interest. But we need to find a way to value the experience of hardworking disability advocates like me a lot more than we do. Many other people get paid for their expertise; I don’t know why we can’t, as we’re using the same set of skills.
I think having future-oriented plans is helping me get through this Corona Virus. I’m excited to see what the future holds in all of the different projects. Everyone, please stay safe and use your noggin.
That’s how I roll…